
Walk With Me

And He walks with me and He talks with me
And He tells me I am His own
And the joy we share as we tarry there
None other has ever known
It's pretty amazing, the idea of taking a leisurely stroll with the Creator of the universe. I imagine that scene in the Garden of Eden, where Adam literally walked with God, the One who made him and all of creation around him.
Can we just take a step back and be stunned by that?
Equally stunning is this concept that we can wake up every day and take a walk with the same God -- yes, the very same One. I read somewhere that we naturally as a people are unfit for even the name of God to pass our lips. It's so true. That is how holy, how awesome, how magnanimous He is. And yet, in the stillness of the morning, just before we open our eyelids, He is waiting to walk with us. He walks with us every day, through trivial moments and heart-wrenching trials and months of numbness. He is always there to take our hand and bid us walk on with Him.
But can I just be honest and admit that countless mornings, I blatantly ignore that precious outstretched hand? That some days I look Him in the face and purposely turn away to do less important things? The most compellling excuses we find to neglect devotion with Him are often the most pitiful, meaningless ones. Have you found that to be so? It really is pathetic, how made of flesh we are. But can I also say that even on days when we so desire to ignore Him, He continues to love us and walk by our side? Is that not so beautiful? No lover, no friend, no family member on earth could ever be so devoted!
Dear reader, walk on with Him.
I started this blog a little over two years ago at a point in my life where I was really just beginning to learn how to walk with God. He spoke to me so tenderly and clearly in my little college dorm room in the midst of my junior year, and this blog has given me the chance to voice some of the things He has shown me. Though only two years ago did I really begin this journey, I am so much a different person from that time. That is one of the amazing things about our walk with the Lord -- we find as we walk that we are consistently changing, growing in grace with every step.
And that is not simply a trite phrase, "growing in grace." The farther along we are in this journey with our Savior, the more we realize how amazing His grace really is. The more we grow in such a truth, the more we watch all areas of our life blossom and bloom into breathtaking beauty. This is our God. He gives more grace (James 4:6). He makes all things beautiful in His time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Anyone in Christ is a new creation, all things becoming new -- an ongoing, regenerating process (2 Corinthians 5:17)!
Because of His grace, I am still walking. At this stage in my life, I am overwhelmed by His blessing nature and steadast love. He has filled my heart with joy and gratitude. I do not deserve such a Savior in my life. I am also very much aware of just how human I am, disturbed by my countless limitations, but overjoyed at the thought that in my frailest state, He can use me best. So I look forward to that. I ask Him for the strength to surrender all of me on a daily basis -- a moment to moment basis, rather. And He carries me when I just don't have the strength anymore. All the way my Savior leads me, who have I to ask beside?
It is at such a place in my journey with the Lord that I have decided to stop blogging. If I decide to pick up blogging again, I will probably start from the ground up again, and I am not sure when that will be. We'll see where He leads. I hope this work has been encouraging. I love writing so much, and I hope you have enjoyed reading some of my posts. I wouldn't have kept writing and sharing if it had not been for you, dear reader, so I thank you sincerely for sharing a bit of the road with me.
Genesis 5 tells that Enoch walked with God, and he was no more, for God took him. Could it be that Enoch had such a close friendship with his Lord that one day, God just had to take him up to be with Him because He missed Enoch so dearly? What if we walked with Him like that? If you will pray for me, reader, I will pray for you, that such a walk can be ours. That we can take advantage of as many opportunities as we possibly can to be close with Him. He has loved us with an everlasting love and cares for us beyond the sin and shame.
Keep walking close to Him.
The voice of my Beloved!
Behold, He comes,
leaping over the mountains,
bounding over the hills ...
My Beloved speaks and says to me,
"Arise, my love, my beautiful one,
and come away ...."
Song of Solomon 2:8,10


Not For A Moment

"For He Himself has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'"  Heb. 13:5